Pictures from the exhibitions


Alain Desvergnes, "Yoknapatawtha", 1994

Sabine Weiss, Portrait of the great Plovdiv painter Georgi Bojilov - Slona
(nickname - the Elephant), 1995

André Mérian, 1995

Bernard Plossu, "Mexico 1966", 1998

Françoise Nuñez, 1994

Frédéric Bellay, "The Academy of Music and
Dance Arts, Plovdiv", 1998

Alain Ceccaroli, "Mediterranean landscape", 1998

Bogdan Konopka, "Wroclaw-1993", 1998

Nicolas Toulas,1998 "Greek pastorals"

Marina Gadonnaix, 2005

Gaelle Magder, 2007

1 comment:

  1. Nikolay, I received your name from Krzysztof Candrowicz, and he thought I should contact you. How can I reach you?


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